Materials: We always seek the lowest trade price on materials and a maximum of a 1 hour fee is charged if collection is required. Materials are charged at cost +25%.
Day Rates: Day rates are for a maximum of an 8 hour working day, this is a discounted rate to booking in on our rolling hourly rate.
Estimates/Quotations: All estimates & quotations are free of charge. A free estimate or quotation is booked in on the basis that you the customer knows what the issue is and the work that needs carrying out. If this is not the case the visit will be a chargeable diagnostic one based on our hourly/half hourly rates. An estimate, where possible, we will always give you an estimation of expected timescales per job based on our experience, however as every job is different due to the varying different types of buildings/ locations encountered and the different problems each new place will produce this may require reassessing further.
If you require a written quotation this will be sent to you following the site visit via email.
Payment Terms: All payments must be settled in full on satisfactory completion of the job.
Method of payment must be confirmed upon booking in. Payment is due at the end of each visit by cash, card or BACS.
Charges: The labour charge for your work is calculated according to how long the job takes. This is the case on all jobs excluding half day/full day bookings or fixed price work.
Any estimation provided prior to booking in is purely indicative and is therefore subject to change. The electrician will always reassess upon arrival.
Any parking charges will be passed on to the customer.
Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy: Should you wish to cancel or reschedule your booking please provide 24 hours notice by email or by phoning in to avoid a late notice charge.
For fixed rate bookings including half day, full day & quoted works this is the estimated value of the booking. For all other bookings the late notice charge is £75+VAT (1hr minimum charge).
For your free no obligations quote/estimate contact us on 07725554445 or 02087853266
Complaints: Where we cannot resolve any complaints using our own complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209 or via their website